Vladimir G Plekhanov
Fonoriton Sci. Lab, Estonia
Title: Spectroscopic manifestation of the strong nuclear interaction in solids
Biography: Vladimir G Plekhanov
It is well - known that the interaction binding quarks into hadrons is called the strong interaction. It holds protons and neutrons together to form nuclei. For the strong interaction, gluons are the exchange particles that couple to the color charge of quarks. There are a common place in modern physics that the strong force does not act on leptons (electrons, positrons, muons and neutrinos). Our experimental results show the violation of this strong conclusions. Up to present time macroscopic manifestation of the strong nuclear interaction are restricted to radioactivity and the release of nuclear energy. Our report is devoted to the description of the significantly new kind manifestation of the strong force. It will be shown that an activation of the strong interaction by adding of one neutron to the nucleus causes the global reconstruction of the macroscopic characteristics of solids. We have studied the low - temperature optical spectra (luminescence -- Fig. 1 and reflection -- Fig. 2) of the LiHx D1-x , 0 ≤ 1 ≤ 0 crystals which are differ by term of one neutron from each other. In dielectrics crystals an electron from valence band is excited into the conduction band. The attractive Coulomb potential btween the missing electron in valence band, which can be ragarded as a positively hole, and the electron in conduction band forms exciton which energy En=1s